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Studio photo MarinaKruck
J’ai le plaisir d’annoncer le lancement d’un nouveau projet Studio photo MarinaKruck. Avec toute mon inspiration et mon enthousiasme, je me lance dans la création d’un studio photo. Un studio photo pour les petits et leurs parents. Je lance un projet sur une plateforme de crowdfunding KissKissBankBank afin de récolter des fonds pour un studio photo.
Pourquoi un studio photo ? La seule réponse est pourquoi pas ? Il s’agit d’une nouvelle tentative pour trouver un moyen de survivre dans un monde extraterrestre. Il y a plus d’idées dans ma tête qu’il n’y a d’étoiles dans le ciel. J’ai les connaissances et les compétences nécessaires pour les réaliser.
Vous pouvez donc suivre ce lien pour en savoir plus sur mon projet et me soutenir.
As an experienced and qualified web designer, I can bring a high level of professionalism to your project. I know how to create websites that meet your business objectives, that will stand out and grab the attention of visitors
I understand that effective communication is key to a successful project. I will keep you informed every step of the way, and will be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have
Attention to detail
I have a keen eye for detail, and will ensure that every aspect of your website is pixel-perfect. From the color scheme to the typography to the layout, I will make sure that your website looks and functions exactly as you envision it
I can work with you to create a website that is tailored specifically to your business needs. I will take the time to understand your brand, your target audience, and your overall goals, and will use that information to design a website that is unique and effective
User experience
I understand that a website is not just about looking pretty, but also about providing a positive user experience. I will design a website that is easy to navigate and intuitive to use
I will be available to provide ongoing support for your website after it is launched. Whether you need help with updates, maintenance, or troubleshooting, I will be there to ensure that your website continues to meet your business needs
You have a project and need the help of a designer?
My Services:
Motion Design
- Interface animation
- Animated graphics
- Video clips
- Presentations
- Screensavers
About Me
Hi, I’m Marina.
I’m creative web designer based in France.
I have acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to make your project a success.
I truly love what I do.

My Skills
I love learning new things. I think I am in the process of learning new skills all the time. I have many hobbies and projects waiting to happen.
You can find out more about these by checking out my CV or Portfolio.
- Wordpress 70%
- Figma 90%
- Adobe Creative Suite 80%
- Basic Knowlige of Art 80%
How its Work?
Your have an idea
Tell me all the details of your project and let's define your problems, challenges and wishes together .......................................
First proposals
I do the research and, based on your preferences, I propose new ideas and technologies to solve your problem .............................
You give your opinion, I make the necessary changes. Together we find the ideal solutions for each item ...........................................
A step to success
Once we are satisfied with the result, I hand over the files to you. You can now let our product work for the success of your project)
My Gallery

Web Design

Graphic Design


